Why a Cat Is Better than a Man
Written by Allia Zobel Nolan, Illustrated by Nicole Hollander

80 pages
ISBN: 978-0-578-72774-5
All Ages
Signed copies available from the author.
Email alliazobelnolan@gmail.com
for more information.
In the past, whenever an interviewer asked Allia Zobel Nolan: “Out of all the books you’ve written, which one do you like best?” she’d always answer, “That’s like asking a mother which child is her favorite…. I love all my books,” she’d say. Then she’d coyly admit: ”Though 101 Reasons Why a Cat Is Better than a Man does have a special place in my heart for two reasons: It was the beginning of a long and exciting collaboration (seven books and counting) with the brilliant former nationally-syndicated cartoonist, Nicole Hollander, and it was the start of a life-long involvement with everything and anything to do with the creature I most adore: the cat.”
That’s why once was not enough, says Zobel Nolan. Indeed, she says she reprised this LOL book so a new generation of ailurophiles can judge for themselves whether life may just be better..if not actually meow-velous…with…a creature who walks on four legs rather than two….the cat.
“And to all who’d scoff,” says Zobel Nolan, “the lessons proffered are meant
to be cat-enhancing—not male bashing.”