Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity

90 pages
ISBN: 979-8-218-12365-9

Amazon$13.99 – Buy now

Signed copies available from the author.
Email alliazobelnolan@gmail.com for more information.

Written by Allia Zobel Nolan

Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity has received a 2023 Indie Book Award for Best Overall Design by the world’s largest not-for-profit book awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors, The Next Generation Indie Book Awards Program. Top books were named as winners and finalists in more than 70 publishing categories ranging from action/adventure to young author.

A huge thanks goes to my creative director on this project (and many others) Mary pat Pino, who gave her heart and soul to this project and it shows. Congratulations, Mary pat.

Will your cat’s story go on forever? You be the judge. Need reassurance? Heavenly Headbutts offers it. When a beloved fur baby dies, you never get over it; you just get on with it. 

Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges for those who hold out the probability that their cat’s story is not over yet–that there are more high jinks and hairballs to come.

Using Scripture, poetry, brief affirmations and short anecdotes by everyone from Isaiah to John—from George MacDonald to C.S.Lewis, and others, Heavenly Headbutts presents the arguments that lead to a “yes” when it comes to seeing our cats in the afterlife. Until then, the reflections in Heavenly Headbutts are meant to push open the door a crack to let in some light to soothe, console, and comfort those who are grieving.

At the same time, this engaging book presents the interesting and thought-provoking opinions of theologians and famous thinkers who’ve examined the “will my pet go to heaven” conundrum in a way all cat lovers everywhere can consider.