Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity

90 pages
ISBN: 979-8-218-12365-9
Amazon$13.99 – Buy now
Signed copies available from the author.
Email alliazobelnolan@gmail.com for more information.
Written by Allia Zobel Nolan
Heavenly Headbutts: Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity has received a 2023 Indie Book Award for Best Overall Design by the world’s largest not-for-profit book awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors, The Next Generation Indie Book Awards Program. Top books were named as winners and finalists in more than 70 publishing categories ranging from action/adventure to young author.
A huge thanks goes to my creative director on this project (and many others) Mary pat Pino, who gave her heart and soul to this project and it shows. Congratulations, Mary pat.
Will your cat’s story go on forever? You be the judge. Need reassurance? Heavenly Headbutts offers it. When a beloved fur baby dies, you never get over it; you just get on with it.
Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges for those who hold out the probability that their cat’s story is not over yet–that there are more high jinks and hairballs to come.
Using Scripture, poetry, brief affirmations and short anecdotes by everyone from Isaiah to John—from George MacDonald to C.S.Lewis, and others, Heavenly Headbutts presents the arguments that lead to a “yes” when it comes to seeing our cats in the afterlife. Until then, the reflections in Heavenly Headbutts are meant to push open the door a crack to let in some light to soothe, console, and comfort those who are grieving.
At the same time, this engaging book presents the interesting and thought-provoking opinions of theologians and famous thinkers who’ve examined the “will my pet go to heaven” conundrum in a way all cat lovers everywhere can consider.
Heavenly Headbutts:
Reflections of Hope about Cats and Eternity
Winner of Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards in Inspirational
What the Judges Had to Say:
Reviewer 1
This book is exemplary in its structure, organization, and pacing. The structure of the chapters/parts aid in a compelling organization of the story or information. The pacing is even throughout and matches the tone/genre of the book.
The narrative moves smoothly and naturally, gliding the reader along through emotional and beautiful thoughts and quotes. I felt comfortable and engaged all the way through, which allowed the narrative to share its Bible-based thoughts like ‘animals were a top priority in God’soriginal plan.’ That brings our existing soul-love for our animals right to the forefront, helping the pace to stay resonant. Beautiful work! I loved the structure of the quotes and original writings. Just gorgeous!
This book has spelling, punctuation, and grammar corresponding with the region of the world from which the author hails (ex. British English or American English) or with where the book is set (including slang, vernacular, or dialect). These choices are intentional and implemented consistently throughout with few, if any, errors. Author took great care to create a clean edit, minus any distraction from typos and visual confusion. Nicely done.
This book is exemplary in production quality and cover design. The physical materials, printing, and binding are of professional quality and traditional industry standards. The typesetting and page layout (including illustrations, images, or figures) are easy to follow, thoughtfully designed, and error free. The cover appears to be professionally designed and is compellingly related to the content/genre of the book.
Gorgeous cover and so many beautiful images throughout, conveying lots of emotional connection and the spirit of cats. Since the book guides us through the difficult/heartbreaking realities of losing our cat friend, the author's choices in artistic design and in the layout variations of text, from quotes to poems to essay, works with the mind's abilities to absorb these wonderful insights. Very inspiring and a standout in pure heart.
This book is exemplary in its choice of topic or theme of the story. It is unique but still has strong appeal for most readers in its intended genre. If the book is fiction or narrative nonfiction, the book is well plotted. If the book is poetry or prescriptive nonfiction, there is a cohesive theme or delivery of information.
Such a wonderful collection of reassurance and hope, a sense that we are not alone in our grief and that the pain we may feel now only happens when we’ve had a great soul love with our beloved pet. Each entry, each insight, brings inspiration and stands out for its lovely perspective from so many different angles. This book has so much heart.
This book is exemplary in character appeal (or interest) and development. All main characters (including antagonists) are unique and fully fleshed out with compelling, layered motivations and traits. Secondary characters are unique and have a meaningful purpose. This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout. The style and tone are also consistent with or will appeal to readers of the intended genre.
Author’s writing style is warm and engaging, a wonderfully learned voice sounding so clearly in a sea of well-meaning messages from others and from reading materials. I loved how I could hear the author's voice in the narratives as reassuring and leaning into faith as an added layer of comfort. So well done.
In a few explanatory sentences, please share with the entrant 1-3 of the most important aspects that need to be improved for this book to be more appealing/useful to readers and why.
I would have loved for the book to include spaces for notetaking/journaling so that the reader could expand upon the author's insights. A book like this will be read multiple times. And in the fog of grief, some ideas may be missed, only to be scooped up later upon additional readings. Journal spaces throughout or even at the end would add to the usefulness of the book.
I loved how the author blended the quotes, poems, and narrative sections, using terrific instinct to keep each segment brief and to the point, resonant and useful. Nice blend of classic and modern minds in the sharing of inspiration, and a wonderful foundation of Scripture throughout. That thread is a standout, providing a good number of insights and original thinking. Well done. The flourishes and artistry in the page designs added the perfect amount of polish to an already impressive collection of layout quality.