101 Reasons Why Cats Make Great Kids

By Allia Zobel Nolan, illustrated by Nicole Hollander


Publisher: Adams Media
ISBN: 1-55850-639-X
80 pages
All ages

Signed copies available from the author.
Email alliazobelnolan@gmail.com for more information.

Children are life’s most precious gift. That’s a given. But for some having kids isn’t a reality. So must we forgo the joys of parenthood? Never hear the pitter-patter of little feet? Never see that gaze of unconditional love?
Not really–especially if were willing to share our lives with a new kind of family–sons and daughters with swishy tales and velvety coats, who pad along on four feet instead of two. Indeed, this hilariously funny book points out why, through they may never grow up to marry a wealthy lawyer and have dozens of kids who look just like “Gran,” feline children may well just be the best thing, since, well, the real thing.